Healing For The Broken was created to give hope, healing and the path to total restoration and feeling happy again. The purpose of this site is to give words of encouragement, action steps to take, and anything else that will help you through the pain you feel as a result of whatever misfortune you have experienced. It is our belief that Jesus Christ is the only answer to all that we face. He is described as the balm in Gilead. In other words, he is the healing balm that is applied to wounds to eliminate infection and pain.
We hear this often, but, often we don’t know what to do specifically to tap into his healing. Sometimes, we can;t make sense of it all or process it in a way that seems to apply to our situation and make us feel better.
The purpose of Healing For The Broken is to shine light on The Way, The Truth and The Light.
I pray that you are blessed by what you find here. Please share with others.
May you be healed.